Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Grandma's house

First on the itinerary was to visit Grandma and Grandpa. Their place is always so peaceful and serene. Grandma always takes us on little adventures to discover something fun at her place.

Helping water the plants
Blowing dandelion seeds

Grandma's lovely garden

Playing in the pond

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Zoo

Visiting the zoo is always fun. Here Bryson is invesitgating the butterflies.

riding the train is always Bryson's favorite

Just chillin'

One must always visit the Lion drinking fountain. Every little kid seems to get a kick out of drinking water out of the lions mouth.

auntie Chan

Starting summer out right

The beginning of summer means blackberry picking for our family. We have several blackberry bushes and this year we made lots of jam. The berries were perfect. We hope to do the same next year. Bryson was always willing to help pick berries. He ate most, but allowed mom to have a few.